Changes On the Way

Well, at least one change is a re-change. As you might recall, I started doing reviews of sex toys recently. Well, apparently, the links in those reviews to the sex toy company were perceived to be commercial in nature (even though I wasn’t paid for the reviews), and so were being treated as advertising (even though they appeared in only a handful of blog posts).

As such, all the links were rendered impotent by WordPress powers that be, and I have turned all those review posts into private posts lest I get my account cancelled for what they see as a violation of the rules, apparently.

Those reviews will go back up in the near future though, which brings me to my bigger change: I will be moving to a paid self-hosting plan of some sort instead of the free WordPress offering.

This won’t mean a whole lot to most of you, except that my blog will likely look different since I may not have access to this template anymore, and I may start running some kind of advertising or soliciting sponsored material at times.

In other words, if I’m going to have to pay monthly for this blog going forward, I might as well see what small income I can glean from it to pay for those fees.

I hope this doesn’t disturb anyone or turn anyone off. I don’t plan to plaster the whole blog with tons of ads, but obviously, now that I’m getting some small attention, even if it is only for reviewing sex toys (and getting to keep them afterward), I might as well let a little of my inner capitalist out. Don’t worry, it won’t cost any of you readers a dime to come here unless I decide to put up a donation button and you decide to be generous from time to time. 😉

Now, whether I figure out some way to offer something you or others might want to buy, that remains to be seen, and certainly is possible. But I won’t charge admission to the blog at any point, and you’ll always have a plethora of free erotica to enjoy here.

~ by Smokedawg on July 24, 2011.

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